This section
is unique, in that it will be updated often as more of the backstory
is revealed. This section is meant to hold the information that will
either not be revealed in the comic, or that already has been revealed.
In the beginning, when the world was
first created, and people began to populate it, the continent and
isles were united under a common leader. The people did not associate
themselves as living in a particular area- nay, they were all citizens
of the world. And so, the world began to fracture. No longer were all six united, nay, instead they each preferred to rule over their own. For surely, was not Fire superior to all the others, and so why should Fire be simply another of the masses? Everyone believed in much the same rule. Yet, to prevent the world from falling to chaos, those most intelligent among the elementalists decided that they must do something. And it was a boy from Earth who realized that if he concentrated enough, he could get the wind to stir. It was an important discovery. Soon, elementalists all around the world began to understand that they were born with one type of power, but could learn the others with time and effort. Once more, they had found common ground, and so the elementalists broke off from their non-gifted peers, and lost all identification with who they once were. They belonged to the world. Of course, with the only barrier between them gone, the six separate countries were once more reforged. However, they maintained their identities, and chose to form a council, where they could rule diplomatically. Therefore, each was separate, and yet happily part of the whole. It progessed like this for millenia. And then, something went wrong. The events surrounding the sorceress' attempt for total power are unclear at best. We only know of the results it produced: she was sealed away in the Wild Continent none had ever tamed, surrounded by beasts and demons. A group of select elementalists, trained by she who had overcome the sorceress was chosen to stay there, and watch over the seal. Six scrolls, one from each country, rumored to be of great power were found in the sorceress' fortress. They were scattered, so that no other being would once again try what the sorceress had dared to do. They were put under the strongest protection. And so, the world was once again safe. However, the elementalists, who were once whole, seem to be strangely fractured. Children from Dark are looked upon in disgust, and many wither away without realizing the potential of their talents. It is simply the way it has been, for a thousand years now. And now, strange rumors of her return are circulating. Those who watched over the seal seem to have failed, and to fulfill their duty, they have sent out one of their own to hunt down the scrolls before she can get her hands on them. By doing so, they will also gain the power to seal her once more. Joining her, for reasons of their own, are two others- one obviously of Fire, and one whose origins remain unknown. They all seem to be linked...but how? |
© 2005 Roq and Cousin
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